What Kind Of Christian Are You?

“Test yourselves to see if you are in the faith; examine yourselves!
Or do you not recognize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ
is in you unless indeed you fail the test?”
(2 Corinthians. 13:5).

What kind of a Christian are you? Have you ever sat down and asked yourself that? Are you a Christian with your heart and mind in the world and your feet in the church? Or, are you the kind that seeks to do God’s will as revealed in Scripture? Whichever one you are, the Bible tells you to examine yourself to see if you are in the faith. Have you done that? Have you examined your beliefs, your actions, your motives and compared them to Scripture to see what kind of a Christian you are? Are you submitting your life to God or God to your life?

Thi s is an important question. No one should simply take it for granted that he is saved because he is born into a Christian family, or is a good person, or is sincere in heart and mind, or thinks that God is so loving that he’ll let everyone into heaven. These things do not make anyone a Christian nor do they guarantee anything with God. Only faith in Christ (Rom. 5:1), trust in Him alone for the forgiveness of sins (Acts 4:12), receiving Him (John 1:12) is what being born again is about. It means to be changed from the inside because the Lord has changed you, saved you, and the Holy Spirit is now in you.

What kind of a Christian are you?  Are you one on the outside but not on the inside?  Are you a social Christian?  Do you claim the name but not the heart of Christianity?  Are you a person who knows he or she is saved because of the work of Christ on the cross and you trust in Him alone?  Or do you think that your sincerity and good works, in cooperation with God’s grace, will get you to heaven?  Are you the kind of a person who believes in God yet walks into sin, knowingly, painfully.  Maybe you listen to the world and think that homosexuality is an acceptable alternative life style.  Or maybe you think that true Christians need to remain open minded and not condemn anyone.  Or premarital sex is okay if you love each other and/or plan to get married?  Do you think that adultery is just an “affair” or is it a terrible sin against God?  Whatever your opinions are is what reveals what you are inside:  biblical, worldly, or a little bit of both.  Ultimately, though, you must examine yourself to see if you are in the faith.  Basically, if you agree with the Bible, you’re fine.  If you do not, then you are wrong.                (MATT SLICK)

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