Parents – Passing The Torch Of Faith

There are many things that a church can do to pass the torch to the next generation. We can have dynamic worship to inspire, we can have good programs of Bible Study and discipleship. We can elevate the importance of biblical truth in everything we do. However, there is no greater tool for passing the torch of biblical faith than family.

When Paul spoke of Timothy’s faith, he mentioned Timothy’s mother and grandmother and the impact they had on his life. Not much is known about Lois and Eunice except for the fact of their impact on Timothy. In 2 Timothy 3:15 Paul writes of Timothy knowing the Scriptures from childhood – that his mother and grandmother are the ones who first taught Timothy the timeless principles of the Bible.

The presence and instruction of parents in the life of a child is of indispensable importance. No person is more equipped to discipline and nurture like a parent. Many parents have a good understanding of the need to care for the physical, emotional, and social needs of their children. Spiritual education in the faith is of no less importance. Sad is the parent who believes that spiritual education can be limited to occasional church attendance or that knowledge of spiritual things is given by some sort of osmosis because of family heritage. The offspring of spiritually apathetic parents will be spiritually influenced by forces outside the family. Our children are too important for us to entrust their relationship with Jesus to others. Sadly, as a pastor I have met many young people who thrive in the faith in spite of their parents instead of with parental help.

Consistency is the key. Since all of us are sinners, there must be a consistent push against the sinful nature of the flesh. In addition to our sinful character there are multiple forces at work in the world that will vie for the position of spiritual education. Whether you realize it or not, your child is given spiritual instruction by what they watch on TV, what they see in movies, what they hear at school, and what their friends believe. There is no greater spiritual instructor in the life of a child than that of a parent who speaks the faith and lives out the faith on a daily basis. The daily example of spiritual instruction and a life well lived for a child to imitate is the greatest tool for passing the torch of faith in the life of your child. (PASTOR FRED EVERS)

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