Finish Strong

Our Christian life is a race of hard work and we cannot stop just because we feel weary!  We are to run with endurance and aim to FINISH STRONG.
We all realise that long distance runners work hard to build endurance and strength. And to run the race set before us, we must also strip off the excess weight that slows us down and run with endurance and with the strength that the Holy Spirit can give us.

To live effectively, we must turn our eyes on to Jesus. We will stumble if we look away from Jesus.  Stop staring at ourselves or the circumstances surrounding us.  Let’s run for Christ and not for ourselves.  We must always keep Him in our sight daily.

When we face hardship and discouragement, it is easy to lose sight of the big picture of what God has for us. It’s hard to remember that suffering is the training ground for us to mature.  It develops our patience and makes our final victory sweet.

We may even have to press on through persecution. Don’t be surprised when people misunderstand, criticize and hurt us because of what we believe and how we live. DO NOT GIVE UP! Work hard at finishing strong.
Continue to live as we should, in the power of the Holy Spirit. Always remember that God is the only One we need to please – An Audience of One!

The Bible urges us to focus on Christ to prevent weariness and discouragement in our daily living. Learn to pay more attention to Him than to our struggles. He is always with us, supporting us when we stumble, and encouraging us with His example (1 Peter 2: 21 – 24). Keeping our eyes on the Author and Finisher of our faith will help us stay close to the source of our strength and remain faithful to the finish.

Don’t grow weary and don’t give up until we have crossed the finishing line, finishing strong. Throw ourselves forward earnestly in an attempt to do all we can do for God while we have the time.

Are we tempted to think that we have already put in our time and that our race is over? If we are still breathing, we are still in the race, so go for it. Determine today to finish strong. We might just accomplish more for God than ever dreamed possible.
Focus on the finish line,
Run to win and
Refuse to give up.
God will make a difference through us.

So let us head together to the finishing line expecting to FINISH STRONG!

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