What Does God Look For In A Church?

The Clear, Accurate Teaching of the Bible:  The teaching of the Bible is the first priority of a church. People want church to be relevant, but it will only be relevant if the heart of the ministry is the exposition (explanation and application) of the Bible. The timeless message of the Bible can change lives and meet every genuine need. God looks for a church that is serious about Christian education and keeps the teaching of the Bible as the centerpiece of every service.

A God-Centered Focus in Worship: People determine the value of a worship service by how it makes them feel. Hence, churches often structure worship for entertainment value. True worship, however, is God-centered rather than man-centered. As we leave a worship service, our first question should not be, Was I pleased? It should be, Was God pleased? Worship that pleases God begins with the communication of truth about His greatness and His goodness as revealed in the Bible. This understanding of truth about God elicits adoration and obedience in the heart of the worshiper. God looks for a church that is not designed to entertain you but is intent on making Him known and pleasing Him in every way.

An Authentic Sense of Community:   Christians in the New Testament Church loved one another, encouraged one another, counseled one another, prayed for one another, showed hospitality to one another, held one another accountable, etc. How different that is from what we see in churches today. They often resemble spectator events more than real communities where people live and work together. God looks for a church where the members show their love for one another through their involvement in the lives of one another.

Ministry Shared by Each Member:   In Godʼs plan, every member is a minister, sharing some aspect of the work. Not everyone can teach or oversee the work of the church, but God has prepared every believer to make a significant contribution to the work of the church. God looks for a church that not only encourages its members to get involved in the work of the ministry, but also expects them to do so.

A Passion to Share the Good News of Christ:   The mission of the church is to take the Good News of Jesus Christ throughout the world because He deserves the praise and worship of all people. Therefore, the life mission of every Christian is to share this marvelous message. God looks for a church that eagerly proclaims the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Ministry Structure Shaped by Truth:   A church must have a philosophy of ministry that truly reflects the ministry structure taught in the New Testament. God looks for a church that can explain how its philosophy of ministry is derived from the Bible and show how everything they do is designed to be consistent with that philosophy.

Remember that the Church belongs to God. It is Godʼs household— the hurch of the living God, the pillar and foundation of the truth. The six characteristics that God looks for in His church are not optional. They are essential because His church must promote His purposes and exalt His glory. God is passionate about His own glory because He is the One and only being in the all the universe that is truly worthy of our praise.                                             (HURON BAPTIST CHURCH)

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