3 Reflections On Beautiful Feet

How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!
(Romans 10:15)

It has been observed that there are only two things you can do on this earth, that you cannot do in Heaven. You can sing, you can serve, you can pray, you can fellowship in both places. You can even rest in both places, but there are two things you can do here on earth, but not in Heaven. What are they? The first thing is You can’t sin in Heaven. The second is, you can’t tell someone about Jesus, and rescue them from eternal Hell. This world needs people with beautiful feet! What about your feet? Are your feet beautiful in God’s eyes?

When we think of feet, we do not usually think of them as beautiful. Smelly, sweaty, dirty, with bunions and calluses maybe, but not beautiful.

So why does Scripture specifically call the feet of those who share the Gospel beautiful?

Imagine a prisoner trapped in a dark dungeon for decades. He is beaten and abused, hungry and sick. He lies dejected in a corner, consumed by depression, despairing of ever breaking free. Suddenly, his cell door flies open, and a voice proclaims his freedom. Too weak to stand or raise his head, all he can do is look at the sandals of the one who brings his release. The prisoner does not see dust or dirt on those feet. He takes no notice of bunions or calluses. To him, the feet in those sandals are beautiful!

How beautiful are our feet today? Have we been bringing the Good News of salvation to those most desperate to hear it? When we obey God’s call to share the Gospel, we have the most beautiful feet in the world.

How can we better prepare for opportunities to share the Gospel with those around us? (AVA PENNINGTON)

If you want these “beautiful feet”, then go into the world spreading the Gospel. I understand that some of us can’t physically go, but there are still a couple of ways to have beautiful feet. We can all pray for those who go and live apart from family and friends, and give up the comforts of a familiar place called home. The other is that each of us can support those who go. No gift is too small for those who live and serve on the mission field. The money you sow into their ministry will yield a harvest of souls that you will be a part of. Each of us can have beautiful feet in God’s sight.

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