All For Life

Advent and Christmas carry great joy with them. Nobody would doubt this. Our God became one of us and lived with us. In all the joy and excitement of this tiny Infant we look for and rejoice over, it is easy to forget the shadow that looms. One day, this tiny Baby will be betrayed into the powers of darkness. He will die a shameful death on a cross.

But in that looming shadow is the promise of life. Jesus was not surprised that Judas betrayed Him or that the men of the high priest came to arrest Him. Jesus went willingly to death, and in His sacrifice of Himself we were given a new life. It was because of that shameful death that we even celebrate His birth.

It seems strange to think of Jesus’ death as we celebrate His birth, but the two are never separated, because He was born for the purpose of sacrificing Himself on the cross. The Good News of Jesus’ life and death is the gift of life He gave to each and every one of us.

Dear Lord, when we think of Your life we think of Your death. Our hearts break when we think of the pain You experienced simply because You love us so deeply. But we rejoice as well because You rose from the dead and brought life to us all. Let us remember this Advent that You have given us the greatest gift anyone could ever hope to receive. (Pastor Kristen Jones)

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