Christian Health and Healing Seminar

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The Holy Bible, the manual of our life, promises every believer premium health – physically, emotionally, and mentally. And above all these, spiritual life now and forever. Amen. But as we look around us, Christians are seen as vulnerable to diseases (physical, emotional, mental) as people of the world. But when we refer to the Bible, we are told to be “light of the world” and “salt of the earth”. How can this be possible, if we are bogged down by health degeneration?

The human body is almost always self-healing and self-renewing if given the right support: nutrition, right thinking, rest, sunshine and exercise. “Normal sickness” and “lifestyle diseases” are merely conditioning that we received from young. Thus, as we grow older, we accept them as part of life. We have been short changed.

In this seminar, we are going to question (?) some established theories or myths concerning health and disease, in the light of the Scripture. We are also going to learn the whole truth about Christian Health that will set us free from the sway of the wicked one.

Seminar Objectives :

  • Enable Christians to understand the principles and practice of total health from a biblical perspective.
  • Enable Christians to achieve optimal health so that they would become more effective a witness for God.
  • Liberate believers who are under the bondage of health deterioration (physically, mentally or emotionally) due to ignorance.
  • Support the church’s ministry and deliverance of the sick believers.

The Key Areas To Be Covered :

  1. God’s design & promise of health for every believer
  2. What are our roles and responsibilities in pursuing health?
  3. Robbers of vibrant health
  4. Christian medicine vs wordly medicine
  5. Healing tenets or doctrines to live by
  6. How to reconcile between prayers and works
  7. Law of cause and effect
  8. Miracles of obedience vs miracles of God
  9. Healing examples from the Bible
  10. Food for thought – Christian nutrition
  11. Seek peace and pursue it
  12. Case analyses – Patient profiles
  13. Biblical approach towards healing – what to do when you are sick?
  14. Treatment options available for believers
  15. Diseases affecting believers: heart disease, stroke, diabetes, cancer
  16. Holistic Communication in action
  17. Your purpose and passion in life

“Pray as though everything depended on God. Work as though everything depended on you.” St Augustine

“They shall still bear fruit in old age; They shall be fresh and flourishing.” Psalm 92: 14

“And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” John 8: 32

“God’s part you cannot do; your part He will not do.” St Andrew

About the speaker

Bro Andrew obtained his Naturopathic Doctor (ND) qualification from Trinity College of Natural Health, USA. He works with various alternative practitioners to help people find answer to their health problems, and conducts natural health seminars for corporations and churches. He is a practicing member of the Malaysian Society of Complementary Medicine.

Andrew was the director of training of an internationally affiliated training company before he was grounded at home for several years due to a health crisis. Symptoms started in 1995 and culminated in a near death situation by 1999, characterized by severe constriction and inflammation of the entire gastro-intestinal tract; profuse nose-bleed, muscle cramps, brain retardation and extreme chills. Having gone for a merry-go-round treatment with at least 36 medical and alternative doctors, Andrew was finally left alone to fend for himself. At 112 lbs. (from 165 lbs.) his fragile body was failing and degenerating rapidly.

With God helping him through extensive research and self-help, he is now being restored, and reaches out to others with his message, YOU DON’T HAVE TO BE SICK.

For enquiries & registration, please contact:
Ms Cheah Lee Shum @ 012-203 3862 or the church office @ 03-3372 2698

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