Fourth Sunday In Advent

Probably artists have portrayed the Christmas scene more than any other Bible story. Without much trying, we can envision the scene. Whether it is from a painting, a story, a song, or even a television show, we have “seen,” so to speak, this birth many times.

The scene is set well enough that we see the people and hear the sounds — the barn or cave, lit at night by lamps or torches; the animals making chewing sounds while Mary and Joseph are talking quietly. Perhaps Jesus is crying or nursing. The shepherds come excitedly, followed by townspeople. The Christmas star is bright in the sky. It is just as we imagined.

Imagine yourself somewhere in this scene. Where are you? Who are you? How do you respond? This is the crux of the whole Christmas story: God has given us a Christmas present — God’s only Son. What is our response? Where do we fit into the picture? The holy Scriptures give us direction in our lives for helping to prepare for the reign of God to come on earth. It can happen in our lifetime! Step out of the picture now and go from Bethlehem into the world, telling this Good News of great joy to all people. Christ our Savior has come!

God of miracles, help us to be messengers of peace, evangelists who bring good news and tell of Your salvation to all people. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.


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