Mentoring: Passing The Baton

Most people believe they are not qualified to be a mentor!  Not true!  If you love Jesus and have set your life to live by the Bible, then you are qualified to mentor.  Think of it in  terms  of  being  a trusted counselor or guide, and in Christ, you are more than qualified to do just that!

Mentoring requires that we be willing to share our hearts with others.  This doesn’t mean we need to broadcast our sin and struggles and trials from a loudspeaker.   However, we can share the times we’ve seen the Lord bring us into healing, victory, peace, and hope.  Mentoring is simply about doing real life together with real people, which means we are transparent and humble, while deferring glory to God as we live rooted in the Word.

Mentoring is like a baton being passed in a relay race involving generation to generation. As one person receives from the Lord, he/she in turn refreshes another who refreshes another.  Mentoring is extending out our hand, to their hand, to put it in God’s hand, and that person will in turn put it into another’s hand.

Mentoring is simple, if you think of it this way…

Meeting…spending time together, as in “meet with one another” in whatever way the Lord leads.

Encouraging…lifting another person up with words and deeds that glorify God.

Noticing…paying attention to another person’s life and asking questions to learn what is happening in his/her heart.

Teaching…sharing the Word of God and lessons of life from your life for another person’s benefit.

Offering…finding practical ways to serve another person by offering your time, talents, and resources.

Responding…always speaking the truth (Jesus & Scripture) in love, while keeping healthy boundaries in place.

Inspiring…another person by demonstrating what it looks like to live out the Gospel, surrendered and redeemed.

Navigating…helping another person find the course, especially the narrow gate along wide paths.

Growing…together in this relationship with each other and with the Lord.                                                                                                               


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