Prayer List: 16 – 17 October 2021

Sunday, (Oct 17) – Praise God that by His grace, He has re-created broken people like us to be His masterpieces, that we may honour Him each day by doing the works He has prepared in advance for us to do. Pray that He will guide us in how to best use our time, efforts and talents to reflect His love, compassion and goodness. Pray that the Holy Spirit will empower us daily to walk in the good works God has in store for us, and to be open to all that He would have us do. As He continues to work in our lives, pray that He will help us become more like Christ each and every day. Pray that every day our lives may be lived to serve God in word and deed to His praise and glory.

Monday, (Oct 18)Missions Month: We pray for all persons serving tirelessly behind the scenes of the Missions Committee. We are grateful for their willingness and heart for Missions. Pray for God’s wisdom to be upon them as they serve. Pray for God’s love to so fill their hearts that their confidence in doing God’s work stems out of the love that comes from God. Pray that the joy of the Lord will be their strength as they continue to do the work that they have been called to.

Tuesday, (Oct 19) – Pray that our church leadership and staff will be anointed with wisdom, discernment and understanding to be prepared for post-pandemic challenges to the church – primarily in the ministries and practices of the church. Pray that they will be ready for the digital impact on in-person attendance as more people might choose to engage online. Pray for wisdom to be able to build strong zealous fellowships as God’s people, while being “physically distanced”.

Wednesday, (Oct 20)Pray for TRAC: The District Conference of Central District 2 will be held tomorrow, 21 October, 2021. Pray for all delegates that would be attending this conference via zoom. Pray for our eyes to be opened to see what God is doing in the CD2 churches. Pray for our hearts to be grateful for all that God is accomplishing in our churches. Pray for wisdom to be upon our District Superintendent, Rev. Paul Christie as he chairs the conference. Pray that God would help us discern His will in the lives of the churches.

Thursday, (Oct 21) – As the daily COVID-19 cases generally continue to decline and with the easing of restrictions, pray that the rakyat will heed the plea of exhausted frontliners to stay vigilant and diligently follow all SOPs in the coming crucial few weeks. As the nation is moving into the endemic stage, pray that all Malaysians will be prepared to adapt to new norms and understand that the world will not be the same anymore. Pray that the rakyat will collectively come together as part of our social responsibility to embrace all the SOPs and guidelines set by the government, and adapt, adjust and accommodate these new norms in our lives.

Friday, (Oct 22)Pray for the Nation: Pray for peace to reign as partisan politicians ramp up their manoeuvrings and strategies as the nation draws closer to the next general elections. Pray for a new generation of national leadership made up of righteous men and women of integrity who can steer the nation with impartiality, sincerity, justice and righteousness. Pray for the emergence and growth of mature political leadership able and willing to work together for the sake and interest of the nation and the rakyat, instead of jockeying for position and power. Pray for political leaders who will be able to steer the country away from drifting into mediocrity, bankruptcy and inept governance.

Saturday, (Oct 23)Pray for the World: Pray for divine protection over the Christians left behind in Afghanistan who will become even more exposed to persecution. Pray especially for God’s protection over the women and girls. Pray that God will protect them from the suffering to come, and to strengthen them in their faith and they will stay strong in the Lord. Pray that the healthcare system in the nation will be able to sustain itself with international aid. Pray for evil to be pushed back, and for God’s supernatural conviction of sin upon the new administration that their minds and hearts will be renewed through the sovereign hand of the Lord.


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