Prayer List: 18 – 19, Sept 2021

Sunday, (Sept 19) – Praise God for giving us the Holy Spirit. Pray that we will grow in our relationship with Him and get know Him as our Helper and Counselor. Thank God that the Holy Spirit is committed to guide us according to God’s truth. Since He will not override our will or force us to follow Him, pray that God will grant us the faith to relinquish control and give the Holy Spirit control of our lives. Pray that we will yield to the Holly Spirit’s leading and guidance that we may be filled to overflowing with His graces and live our lives in willing surrender to Him. Pray that the Spirit will keep us from anything that discredits the name of Jesus and lead us in the paths of righteousness.

Monday, (Sept 20) – Pray for all members and worshippers of Wesley Klang to remain present to one another as our physical church doors remain closed in the Phase 2 of the National Recovery Plan. Pray that our church members will remain connected with one another although we are not able to meet physically. Pray that we will learn to remember one another in prayer. Pray that we would make time to connect with one another virtually and pray that the conversations we have with one another will indeed build one another up in the Lord.

Tuesday, (Sept 21) – Pray that our nation will be able to begin to recover from the pandemic. Pray that the health conditions of those affected by the COVID-19 virus will improve, especially those in the ICU and those who are intubated. Pray for those who have been discharged, and those suffering from the effects of prolonged hospitalization for COVID-19 that there will be facilities made available to help them recover to full health. Pray for wisdom for the government in introducing SOPs as the nation slowly reopens for more activities. Pray that the public will continue to follow the SOPs strictly, especially as the tourism industry is reopening, and people are going for local holidays.

Wednesday, (Sept 22)Pray for the Nation: Pray for God’s mercy and grace upon our nation during this challenging time. Pray for God to grant the government wisdom to make the right decisions to balance the COVID-19 infections and death rate that remains worrying, with the need to reopen more economic sectors as many people are suffering from Covid-induced job losses. Pray that the MOU signed by the Federal Government and some opposition political parties will achieve the desired results for political stability, reform and economic recovery. Pray that all politicians will focus on the urgent, vital national issues of bringing about harmony, prosperity and stability to the nation.

Thursday, (Sept 23)Pray for the World: Although earlier data showed that children are less likely to become seriously ill from COVID-19, healthy children have now been hit hard by the Delta variant of the virus. Praise God that many nations have started vaccinations for children aged 12 and older. Pray for wisdom for governments and policy makers to make the right decisions in nations that are apparently uncertain about vaccinating younger children, those who are below age 12.

Friday, (Sept 24)Pray for TRAC: Pray for all TRAC Churches that would be having their local church planning meetings. Pray for the Holy Spirit’s guidance to be upon all churches as they discern God’s will for their respective churches in the Pandemic/Endemic. Pray for eyes to be opened, ears to be attentive and hearts to be receptive to God’s movement in the churches. Pray that the love that God so lavishly poured upon our lives will direct our hearts as we discern God’s plan for our churches. Pray that our TRAC Churches will live out the Great Commission which is to make disciples of all nations.

Saturday, (Sept 25) – Pray that Christian parents will realise the importance and impact of parental role modelling, and they will be positive role models of Christlike character to their children. Pray that the next generation will not give in to the issues of narcissism or apathy, but that God will always be the center of their lives, and they will see the world with godly perspective and not out of their own self-centeredness. Pray that this next generation will constantly be reminded of God’s mighty acts in their lives and they will hold fast to their faith no matter what happens in the world.

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