Prayer List: 26 – 27 June 2021

Sunday, (June 27) – Give thanks to God for our many blessings and acknowledge that all that we are, and all that we have is a gift from Him. In response to our generous God, pray that daily we will offer to Him all the facets of our lives, whether it be at home or at work, and we will seek to be patient, gracious, generous and kind to those we encounter. Pray that we will be faithful stewards for the Lord, and He will help us to honour Him in all the places where He has given us influence or authority. Pray that we will strive to make stewardship a way of life and place Him first in our lives by being more prayerful, more focused on loving and caring for our families and others in need, and being less preoccupied with material things.

Monday, (June 28) – Pray for Wesley Klang to be a worshipping church. Pray that God will help us to know that we are created to worship Him in our speech, conduct and in our being. Pray that He will help us to worship Him in the common routine of our daily lives and pray that we would never neglect time with God although we may be occupied. Pray that we would be intentional in seeking God through daily prayer and the reading of God’s Word.

Tuesday, (June 29) – The daily COVID-19 cases show no sign of abating with the numbers remaining above the 5,000 mark, and Selangor being the state with the highest number of daily new cases. Pray that the rakyat will continue to take personal responsibility to abide by the SOPs, and that the authorities will be vigilant in the enforcement of SOP compliance. Praise God that the immunisation programme is rapidly picking up pace and many more people are getting vaccinated every day. Pray for God’s protection upon the vaccination centres, for the vaccination process to be carried out smoothly and efficiently. Pray for safety for all the healthcare personnel and volunteers at the centres. Pray that the nation will be able to achieve herd immunity quickly so that life will return to normalcy.

Wednesday, (June 30)Pray for the Nation: With the federal government’s finances running low, and now that another RM40 billion has been pledged to alleviate the hardships caused by this latest round of lockdowns, pray for effective implementation of strategic initiatives, and for deliverance from a potential national financial crisis. Pray for more prudent financial management, even as the Prime Minister and his Cabinet make COVID-19 financial contributions through salary cuts. Pray for wisdom and courage for the government to make right decisions concerning aid for businesses and the public, including a blanket loan moratorium, an electricity discount and soft loans for the payment of salaries.

Thursday, (July 1) – Pray for the worship teams as they have to resort to pre-recording the worship each week. Praise God for their perseverance to do their best to serve the Lord in their ministry. Pray also for Brother Johnny Lim as he puts together all the various aspects of the worship services each week. Pray that the Lord will bless and sustain him. Pray for our people that they will not neglect worshipping God, and will give priority to worship Him on our weekly online worship services. Pray that in the quietness of our homes, we will be ministered to, and be blessed by the online services and we will grow in intimacy with the Lord as we gather to worship Him.

Friday, (July 2)Pray for TRAC: We commit all of TRAC District Superintendents (DSs) in prayer. Pray for God’s wisdom to be upon them as they oversee their respective churches in their districts. Pray that all our DSs will draw strength from the Lord as they attend to the various needs of their respective churches. Pray for God’s anointing to be upon them in their leadership. Pray that all our DSs will look to Jesus and imitate Him in their call and duty as a District Superintendent.

Saturday, (July 3)Pray for the World: Pray for the political situations in Myanmar and Thailand. Pray for a stop to the flow of arms from Russia to the military junta in Myanmar and pray that the junta will respect the results of the nation’s last election and release all the political detainees. Pray for Thailand as hundreds of people turned out last week to call for the government’s resignation, defying warnings from authorities about soaring COVID-19 cases in the nation. Pray for peace to return to both these nations.

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