Prayer List: 3rd – 4th Dec 2022

Sunday, (Dec 4) – Pray that we be intentional in making room in our hearts for Jesus. Pray that we will learn to be still and know that God is in control of our whole being. Pray that through the Holy Spirit, the distraction and hurdles we face in letting Jesus rule in our hearts be made known to us and pray that God will grant us sufficient grace and enablement to put aside these distractions and hurdles so that we may once again make room in our hearts for Jesus. Pray that we will grow in our trust in Jesus and that we may surrender to him all of our concerns.

Monday, (Dec 5) – Pray for a joyful anticipation of the coming of Jesus to be in the hearts of our people. Pray that as we prepare to celebrate Christmas, we may not forget to take time to pause and reflect on all that God has given us. God has given us His precious child as a gift, pray that we may not take this precious gift for granted. Pray that we will indeed place God’s precious gift, our Lord Jesus Christ at the center of our lives. Pray that each day of our lives, we will learn to adore Jesus and make Him the King of kings and the Lord of lords of our lives.

Tuesday, (Dec 6)Pray for the Malaysian Church to remain nonpartisan towards any political party and to respect opposing viewpoints, because church values must be biblically based and not politically biased or subjective. Pray for the Church to be God’s prophetic voice, concerned with the wellbeing of all Malaysians, and to work together with people of all races and religions to rebuild Malaysia into a progressive and cohesive nation. Pray against the Church for being complacent, or lose sight of the fact that it will take many years of collective effort to make Malaysia great again, with a robust education system, a budget that cares for all people groups, all leakages plugged, and all-inclusive policies regardless of race and religion.

Wednesday, (Dec 7)Pray for the Nation: Pray unceasingly for our country, for our new government and upcoming Cabinet, that they will do the right thing, exercise maturity and govern in a godly manner for the good of all. Pray also for the Opposition that they will seek ways to work with new government as a check and balance for a better Malaysia. Pray for an effective economic recovery plan to guide the country out of the global recession, as well as for the Gospel’s transformative work to rebuild the broken walls of education, national security, healthcare, social welfare, finance, and government.

Thursday, (Dec 8)TRAC – We give thanks to God for the recently concluded 47th Session TRAC. Give thanks for the Bishop’s address and that we may take all that we have heard into our local churches. Pray that each church in the Trinity Annual Conference to grow in the Lord. Pray for a deeper awareness of God’s will for the respective local churches in TRAC. Pray also for the courage to walk in God’s will within the churches in TRAC. Pray also for pastors who are going on transfer in the year 2023. Pray for God’s presence to be with them as they begin the move in obedience to God.

Friday, (Dec 9) – As many schools begin their break today, pray for the students and teachers. Pray for God’s protection upon them from any harm so that they will have a meaningful and restful holiday season. Pray that God will renew in teachers a desire and passion for teaching and attending to the needs of the students. Pray that God will also grant His wisdom and guidance to the parents, guardians and caregivers in understanding and taking care of the children.

Saturday (Dec 10)Prayer for the World: Continue to pray for China in light of the recent surge in covid cases. Pray for people who are not well, especially young children, the elderly, and those who have not received vaccinations that God will protect and heal them. Pray for God’s wisdom upon the authorities, as voices of frustration, anger and anxiety over the strict covid measures have been expressed.

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