Prayer List: March 7, 2021

Sunday, (Mar 7) – Ask God for forgiveness and repent of the many times when we have committed the sin of idolatry by putting other things and people ahead of God. Thank the Lord that He has given to all who trust in Christ new hearts, so that we can choose to have no other gods before Him. Pray that He will keep us from the smallest hint of idolatry and remind us during temptation that to choose an idol is to reject grace and grieve His Spirit. Pray that the Holy Spirit will turn our hearts and our minds away from lesser loves, and turn our hearts and minds toward the Lord continually, to love Him supremely and then as a result to love others in this world rightly.

Monday, (Mar 8) – Praise God that the re-opening of schools for Primary 1 & 2 students last week went off smoothly. As the rest of the primary school students fully return to schools today, pray that the schools, the teachers and parents will work together to ensure that the children are kept safe by following all the SOPs, especially during dispersal at the end of the schooling day. Pray also for students who are in the midst of important government examinations for good health, sound minds and peace of hearts. Pray for God’s protection upon all students and teachers.

Tuesday, (Mar 9) – Pray for families in church. Due to the movement restrictions imposed upon us, many are not able to meet and connect with family members. Many parents are not able to travel overseas to visit their children and likewise children are not able to travel back to visit their parents. Pray that each one of us will have a deep assurance within our hearts that God is watching over our loved ones who are not physically present with us. Pray that we will learn to surrender the well-being of our family members into God’s hand. Pray that we will not grow weary or anxious due to the isolation that we are all currently experiencing. Give thanks for the gift of technology that we are still able to communicate with our loved ones virtually.

Wednesday, (Mar 10) – Praise God that all the states in the nation are now under the conditional MCO or recovery MCO, that the COVID-19 situation is improving, that more businesses are opening, and the country’s immunization is progressing smoothly. As the pandemic is still around, pray that the public will exercise patience and caution, and continue to abide by all the SOPs set by the Health Ministry. Pray for God’s grace upon our nation, that the situation will continue to improve, and the daily new COVID-19 cases will continue to drop.

Thursday, (Mar 11) – Pray for the World: Pray against the spiritual forces of evil and violence over Myanmar as the nation faces an increasingly brutal crackdown by the military authorities against protestors who took to the streets in towns around the country. Even as the people are protesting and crying out for freedom, pray for the Church in Myanmar to arise for such a time as this, and that God will use His people to deliver the nation not only from physical bondage, but also from spiritual bondage.

Friday, (Mar 12) – Pray for TRAC: A Family Discipleship task-force has been set up to look into ways that the church can do family discipleship. Remembering the fact that each one of us are called to be a disciple ourselves, pray that God would grant wisdom and knowledge to this task-force as they work towards crafting out a plan to enable churches within TRAC to do discipleship through families. Pray for Mr Lim Chong Ho and Dr Herbert Tan who are leading this task-force. Pray that God would enable this task-force to work well together.

Saturday, (Mar 13) – Pray for the Nation: Pray that our national leaders will continue to focus on important issues the nation is facing. Pray that the various political parties will work together to rebuild the economy and seek ways to attract more foreign investors. Pray that the government will work together with the Health Ministry to overcome the pandemic. Pray also for wisdom for the government to come up with effective ways to protect the rakyat against widespread COVID-19 vaccine scams.

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