Prayer Points: December 8, 2019

Sunday, (Dec 8) – Praise God that He is the God who gives peace, who entered our world at Christmas as the Prince of Peace. Thank Him that regardless of our circumstances or situations, He can fill us with a deep and abiding peace that surpasses all understanding. As peace on earth can only come when our hearts find peace with Christ, pray that we will trust fully in Him, and rest in the peace that only He can offer. Pray that the Lord will keep us in perfect peace as our minds are stayed on the truth of His powerful love. Pray that He will help us share His peace with everyone we encounter, especially those who need it most.

Monday, (Dec 9) – Pray for all our human relationships, especially those in the Body of Christ. Pray that God will help us as His children to walk in a manner worthy of the calling He has given us. Confess to the Lord that our hearts are not always tender and kind to others, and ask Him to give us His tenderness, His kindness and generosity of spirit. Pray that we will learn patience for one another, bearing with one another in love. Pray also for marriages, that God will enable husbands and wives to deepen their bonds as they face life’s challenges, and to guide their hearts to see their marriages as a precious gift from God. Pray that God will grant parents strength and wisdom to guide their children in the ways of the Lord.

Tuesday, (Dec 10) – Pray for the Nation: Pray against any spirit of greed and selfishness in our leaders, which will lead to blindness in conscience, disability to discern unrighteousness practices, and disregard for the well being of the nation and the people, especially the poor. Pray that God will set all our leaders free from the influence of greed and selfishness, so that they will lead the nation with selflessness and generosity. Pray that God will bless the 4 parties in the government to work in unity and harmony.

Wednesday, (Dec 11) – Praise God for a very successful Kids’ Holiday Camp, that God’s hand of favour was upon everyone in the camp. Pray that the Holy Spirit will seal in the hearts and minds of the children the lessons they learnt, and they will grow up knowing that God loves them unconditionally, and has empowered them to live abundant lives as they put their trust in Jesus. Pray that the parents will work together with the Sunday School Ministry, and will reinforce what their children learn in Sunday School. Pray that God will continue to bless our children’s ministry, and cause it to grow broader, with more children coming, and to grow deeper, that the children will deepen their lives in Christ.

Thursday, (Dec 12) – 24 boys from our Boys’ Brigade (BB) will be going for a BB Camp in Gopeng from December 14-16, 2019. The purpose of the camp is to build relationship between the officers and the boys, to train the boys in leadership skills and to foster team spirit in the BB. As the campers will be roughing it out – living in tents, exploring caves, and other out-door activities, pray for safety and God’s protection upon them, and for good weather. Pray for journey mercies as the campers will be travelling by bus. As the camp is also a reward for the boys for their hard work, pray that they will have a great time. Pray also for opportunities for the Christians to share about God’s love to the pre-believers.

Friday, (Dec 13) – Pray for TRAC: Both TRAC churches in Penang will be having one new assistant / associate pastors each. Rev Shearn Sya will be associate pastor of Trinity Methodist Church under Rev Ronald Yap’s care, and Pastor Luke Ng at Penang Wesley under Rev Ting Moy Hong’s care. Pray for a smooth transition as they leave their current churches and serve God in new situations in 2020. Pray for good relationship building between the respective pastors and their new congregations. Pray for Mrs Shearn Sya (Gervaine) who is a dentist, who will have to look out for employment in Penang.

Saturday, (Dec 14) – Pray for the World: Many countries in the world are currently experiencing war, violence and terrorism, and innocent people are suffering. Pray that the Prince of Peace will cast out the political structures that perpetuate violence, and the hatred that leads to indiscriminate violence. Pray that the Lord will send down wisdom upon politicians and diplomats to find peaceful political solutions’, and the commitment to work together to end the hatred and violence.

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