Prayer Points: January 19, 2020

Sunday, (Jan 19) – Pray that we will be faithful to the call of good and faithful stewardship that God has placed upon our lives. Pray that the Holy Spirit will help us see the many ways in which our time, talents, finances, and lives can be used to enhance God’s Kingdom work in our congregations, communities, and our nation. Pray that we will be willing and able to commit ourselves to being good stewards of the blessings and resources that God has entrusted to us, and to always use them wisely and share them generously with those in need. Pray that the Lord will help us make stewardship a way of life, and for our faithful stewardship to bear witness to the love of Christ in our lives.

Monday, (Jan 20) – Pray for the Nation: Pray to God as the righteous Judge that He will mete out swift judgment upon all those who have acted corruptly towards our nation. Pray that the truth will shine to expose the darkness and wickedness of those embroiled in unrepentant deeds of corruption against the nation. Pray for God’s protection upon those in the judiciary acting as God’s agents in upholding justice in our nation. Pray that God will safeguard them and their families, and watch over their coming and going daily.

Tuesday, (Jan 21) – Pray for the Church in Malaysia: pray that Christians throughout the nation will make spending time alone with God their highest priority this year, so as to build a close and loving relationship with God. Pray that God will pour out a spirit of prayer upon His Church so that as His people seek God in sincere prayer, they will know God’s will and purpose for their individual lives, the lives of their family members, their church, and their community. Pray that the Holy Spirit will enable them to practically work out God’s purposes intentionally, urgently and lovingly.

Wednesday, (Jan 22) – As many people will be going back to their hometowns for the Chinese New Year (CNY), pray for journey mercies, and for drivers to be patient and to drive with care. As CNY is always a time to renew ties with family and friends through dinners and social visits, pray that the family gatherings, especially the reunion dinner on CNY’s eve, will cement family ties, and that misunderstandings and conflicts will be resolved. Pray that God will give His people opportunities, and the boldness, to bear witness of God’s faithfulness, and His salvation plan for all peoples, to family members and friends as they meet them during the festive season.

Thursday, (Jan 23) – Pray for the Cell Group Gathering on February 7, 2020, when people will gather for a time of worship to draw close to God to seek His face, and soak in His presence. Pray for the worship team in charge, that as the team members come together to prepare for the worship gathering, they will be sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s promptings and guidance, and know the direction the Lord desires for the gathering. Pray for a spirit of unity to prevail. Pray also for the people coming that they will take time to prepare their hearts and spirits, so they will be ministered to, and be blessed by the Lord.

Friday, (Jan 24) – Pray for TRAC: Pray for Jeremiah School (JS) 2020. This year there are 22 students (10 males & 12 females), and 8 mentors. Only 13 of the 22 are from TRAC churches. There is a short break for CNY holidays. Pray that the students will be refreshed as they go home for this break. Pray for journey mercies. Pray for effective learning, especially for some students who are not used to English. Pray for God’s deep work of transformation during JS 2020. Pray for Rev James Ong who heads JS 2020, that he will be strengthened by the Lord to impact these young lives.

Saturday, (Jan 25) – Pray for the World: Praise God that His Church in India has grown to at least 50 million people. Pray that God will protect and strengthen those who face harassment and opposition form radical Hindus, and give them courage and perseverance to keep gathering together to worship Christ. Pray that their lives will bring glory to God, and cause His name to be praised, even by those who persecute them.

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