Prayer Points: March 15, 2020

Sunday, (Mar 15) – Pray that the Spirit of God will ignite each of us in Klang Wesley with fresh passion for fulfilling His purpose in our lives. Pray that the Lord will fill us with His Holy Spirt, cleanse our hearts and minds, so we will reflect His righteous character, and His gracious compassion. Pray that God will forgive us for not being on fire for Him as often as He wants us to. Pray we will allow the Holy Spirit to flow through us, guiding and directing our steps, and rekindling in us a renewed zeal and passion for Him and His work in the world. Pray that we will serve Him out of love, and that Jesus will be seen in our actions and speech.

Monday, (Mar 16) – Praise God for the Connect, Equip, Mentor & Release Workshop that was held last Saturday, March 14, 2020. Pray that the Holy Spirit will seal into the hearts of all the participants what they have learnt in the workshop. Pray that it will not only be head knowledge, but the Spirit of God will enable the people to make it heart knowledge, so that they will begin to put into practice all that they have received in the workshop. Pray that the Lord will use the workshop to fulfill His will for our people to discipline ourselves so as to disciple others.

Tuesday, (Mar 17) – Pray for God’s wisdom and guidance upon our church leaders as they implement guidelines for organising our worship services, meetings, and programmes in the light of COVID-19. Pray for God’s protection upon all church members, especially the children and the elderly. Pray that our people will take personal responsibility for their safety, and cooperate with the guidelines the leaders have given. Above all, pray that we will trust that our God is sovereign, perfect and never makes a mistake, loves us and always have our best interests at heart. Pray that as we fix our eyes on Him, our faith will grow during this time of crisis.

Wednesday, (Mar 18) – Pray for the Nation: Praise God for the valiant and fantastic job that the Ministry of Health is doing as it battles the COVID-19 outbreak. Pray that God will grant them wisdom to control and prevent the virus from spreading. Pray that the rakyat will take personal responsibility for what they are to do, and cooperate with the health authorities to stop the disease from spreading. Pray for the health care workers – doctors, nurses, etc., especially those from the Sungai Buloh Hospital (which is now a disease control hospital for the contagious COVID-19), for protection from physical and mental stress, and breakdowns as they tend to infected patients. Pray also for protection for their families.

Thursday, (Mar 19) – Pray for the 21-Day Prayer Meetings that will begin on Sunday, March 22, 2020. Pray for God’s protection and blessing as we meet daily to seek the Lord in worship and prayer. Pray for the Lord’s guidance and wisdom upon all those who will be facilitating the meetings. Pray that the Holy Spirit will convict our church members to prioritise, and set aside time to come as a corporate body to pray for ourselves, our families, our church, our nation, and the world for such a time as this. Pray for a powerful presence of the Holy Spirit during all the prayer meetings.

Friday, (Mar 20) – Pray for TRAC: Pray for the wife and family of Rev Gomen. Rev Gomen passed away recently. He belonged to the Sengoi Mission Conference (TRAC). Pray for God’s comfort to be upon the family members, especially his wife. Pray that they will be able to cope financially. (Note: If you wish to help the wife financially, kindly get her account number from the church office.)

Saturday, (Mar 21) – Pray for the World: The World Health Organisation (WHO) said that COVID-19 has spread to 114 countries and has reached pandemic level. Pray for God’s guidance upon world leaders and the global community to double efforts to contain the outbreak, using aggressive measures to curb it. Pray especially for Italy and Iran, which are overwhelmed with infected cases. Pray for God’s divine intervention to bring the pandemic to a stop.

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