Pre-Recorded Saturday & Sunday Worship Service – 8th & 9th May 2021

Title: Motherhood – The Journey
Scripture: Luke 1: 26 – 34 & Luke 2: 34 – 38
Preacher: Rev. Lai Moo Him

Speaker Notes

1. What were the Difficulties Mary Faced?
o The Gossips
o Words of Simeon –
o Anna’s action –
o Jesus in Jerusalem

Mary’s one objective – ________________________________

2. She faced Poverty
o They offered ____________ as a temple sacrifice.
Jesus was rich & yet He became poor for our sakes. He did it out of love for us. He went through poverty for our sake.

o Teach your children about ______________ that will last for eternity.
o Teach them to be ____________l.

3. She had to contend with Forces of Evil

Children are our _____________, a ___________ from God.

Proverbs 22:6 – Direct your children onto ___________, and when they are older, they will not leave it.

4. Resources

Mary may be facing many difficulties, but she had some valuable
resources in her favour.

a. Her commitment / submitting to God’s will
Someone wrote – every mother has the breath-taking privilege of sharing with God in the creation of new life.

b. She had support

c. Finally, she had encouragement

Mothers, may your joy be seeing your children growing up honouring you and remembering the wonderful days of growing up in a loving environment.

1. How can we honour and appreciate our mother/wife other than doing it just once a year?
2. What are some practical things we can do to lighten her workload?


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* Copyright License – 31/07/2021
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