Proper Conduct Towards Unbelievers

How do you behave with and toward unbelievers? Do you like them? Do you hate them? Do you tolerate them? Are you concerned about their salvation? Do you act like them when you aren’t in Christian company? Do you snub them if they aren’t holy? There are Christians who stand on street corners, in malls, and in front of abortion clinics to witness to unbelievers. Others just don’t care one way or another. Where do you fit in? Do you share your faith using hugs or headlocks? Honey or a hammer? Or do you even share your faith at all?

1. God wants you to conduct yourselves with wisdom toward unbelievers: Christians are called bigots because they condemn homosexuality, intolerant because they oppose abortion, religious extremists because they condemn sin, and narrow-minded because they believe there is one “one faith, one Lord, and one baptism” (Eph. 4:5).
Yet, in spite of these attacks we are to remain humble, loving, caring, kind, and gentle. If we are not, if we do not show love and forbearance in the face of cruelty, insult, intolerance, and ridicule, then we are not showing the world that we know Jesus.
God wants your conduct to be with wisdom. This conduct is your manner of behavior. This means you are to be sympathetic, compassionate and humble, loving, patient (to be considerate and longsuffering with the unbeliever), know when not to speak. If your conduct is indeed with wisdom, then the name of Christ will not be maligned. The unbeliever will have no basis to mock Christ, His church, or His people, and, he may be brought into the fold of Christ.
2. God wants you to make the most of the opportunity with unbelievers: Do not just sit there and wait for opportunity to fall into your lap, but go after it. I would hope that as Christians you would not become complacent about evangelism. God uses the Gospel to call people out of the world.
3. God wants you to let your speech to always be gracious with unbelievers: We need to be careful with our tongues, careful when we speak in public and private, no gossip; careful we they speak to an equal or someone in power, no slander; careful when we speak to the poor and the rich, no favouritism; careful not only when speaking of the gospel but also when speaking of the weather, the economy, politicians, the authorities. God wants you to be careful, gracious, kind in your speech. Grace is getting what you do not deserve. Give them kindness, love, compassion, and patience. Being gracious means to be kind, gentle, positive, helpful, and insightful.
4. God wants you to know how to answer everyone: Speak the right word and the right time to the right person. Having answers means being wise, knowing what the Bible teaches
5. God wants you to pray for them: They need to be granted the faith that God gives. They need to be granted the repentance that God gives. They need to be granted the belief that God gives. You can make a difference in your prayers                                                                (MATT SLICK)

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