Righteousness Exalts A Nation, But Sin Is A Disgrace To Any People (Proverbs 14:34)

In this verse, the book of Proverbs points out that corporate righteousness will exalt a nation, while corporate sin will bring reproach to a nation. Everything good that we have been blessed with in our societies around the world, comes directly or indirectly, from God’s grace and the Bible’s influence. One of the things that I am sure that grieves the heart of God, is the fact that instead of people being grateful for all the blessings God has bestowed upon mankind, many blame Him and His followers for the problems in the world. They do not understand that sin has created the problems.

When the Bible’s influence is strong in a society, it will affect all aspects of that culture in a positive way. The opposite is also true — when a society turns its back on God, it will begin to reflect evil in its cultural choices. We see this today as we watch our young and old people embrace things that are totally unbiblical. How we dress, what we eat, what music we listen to, and what we choose for entertainment, are all reflections of how strongly or weakly we embrace the Word of God.  Rebellious, anti-Christ music has become firmly established in our society today in spite of the dangerous influence it has had on our people. This music has encouraged lust, sex, suicide, rebellion against authority, etc. Even physically, it has damaged the hearing of a whole generation of people who listen to loud music and live bands constantly.  There are those who are deaf or going deaf from this exposure.

We must all return to righteousness so that our nation will be exalted, as the alternative will be our downfall.  Sin will always bring reproach to us individually, as well as corporately in our nations.

Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You for this nation.  May I be one who is a righteous influence to those around me, thus affecting this society for good.  Forgive us for the sins in our nation.  Lord, bring revival to our land and turn sinners to the gospel so that they might be saved. Lord, deliver our children from the Satanic influences in today’s society. Protect them from the evil one. Show them the way of the Lord.  Help me to be a good example to young people and influence them to follow You.  Forgive us of our national sins of lust, materialism, pride, witchcraft, murder and sexual sins. Deliver us from evil.  I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen (BETTY MILLER)

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