Second Sunday Of Advent – The First Five Wonders Of Christmas

Over 365 names and inscriptions are found in the Bible referring to Jesus Christ, but none is lovelier than the one found in Isaiah where the prophet said, “His name shall be called WONDERFUL” (Isaiah 9:6).

As a light that sparkles on a tree, the WONDER of Christ can hardly be reduced to a treatment of a few minutes, but in that length of time I will give you the first five WONDERS of Christmas.

First, there is the wonder of HIS BIRTH. Any birth is a wonderful event, but the birth of Christ had been foretold by the prophets for centuries. To Abraham, God revealed the nation through which Christ would come. To Jacob, He revealed that Christ would be of the tribe of Judah. To Isaiah, God mentioned a family, the line of Jesse. To Micah, God whispered the name of the town of Bethlehem. To Daniel, God revealed the time of His birth. The events leading up to the birth of Christ were like the gears of a fine watch that had to mesh together so that when the fullness of time had come, Jesus was born in Bethlehem. What a wonder!

Second, there is the wonder of HIS CONDESCENSION. Really, to understand what this means, you have to remember what heaven was like and what Jesus left to come to our world and be born in human flesh. Had men arranged His birth, it would have never been in a stable. But the wonder of His condescension means that God touches the needs of humanity right where we are.

The Third wonder of Christmas is the wonder of HIS CHARACTER. Though we are saved by the death of Christ, His life is yet filled with wonder. Who but Jesus could say, “Can any of you prove me guilty of sin?” (John 8:46). He lifted the fallen of life. He gave His life that we might have newness of life in Christ.

The Fourth wonder of Christmas is the wonder of HIS PERSON. He was human yet divine. He could grow weary, yet could say, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28). He hungered, yet could take five loaves and two fish and feed a multitude. He was heaven’s Light for Earth’s darkness and heaven’s Bread for man’s hunger.

Then Fifth, there is the wonder of HIS WORDS. He spoke with authority demanding the attention of those who heard. He said, “You have heard that it was said…But I tell you.” His words are ethically true. You will find no loopholes in what Jesus taught or said. He spoke with simplicity but with great power.

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