Speaker: Ms Taeko Funaoka
Sermon Title: Jesus grew in wisdom and stature
Scripture Text: Luke 2: 41 – 52

Christmas marked the beginning of a new journey for many of us.
Jesus grew in wisdom and stature.
How are we growing in our walk with Jesus?
1. Joseph and Mary served as role models (vv41-42)
Jesus had role models for his growth. His earthly parents, Joseph and Mary served as role models in raising Jesus in the ways of God. They were obedient and faithful to God’s teaching (Matthew 1:19, Luke 1:38; 2:21-24;39;41-42).
For apostle Paul, being a godly role model for those under his influence was a high priority (2 Thessalonians 3:7-9).
2. Jesus was eager to learn (vv46-47)
Instead of going back to his hometown with his parents, Jesus chose to remain in the temple and to learn more about God and His Word. God’s grace was on Him, and His understanding was already beyond people’s expectation. Yet, He valued the pursuit of understanding God and was eager to learn. He grew in wisdom.
His knowledge and wisdom were also demonstrated in His ministry.
3. Jesus knew what to focus on (v49)
Young Jesus understood His unique relationship with God the Father as His Son as well as His calling. He understood His priority, even it appeared to compromise his relationship with His earthly parents.
Jesus mentioned His dedication to God the Father and His will (John 10:30, 5:19, 4:34). He constantly remained faithful to the heart of the Father and carried out His will in His ministry.
1. In this season of life, who is God calling you to guide so that he/she might grow in their relationship with God?
2. How was your walk with Jesus this year? In 2025, how would you like to deepen your understanding of God and pursue His will in your life?
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