Sunday Morning Worship Service – 4th Feb 2024

Speaker: Rev Gaurri Maniam
Sermon Title: Remain in Jesus
Scripture Text: John 15: 1 – 17

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To be connected with God is indispensable.

1) Jesus is not to be considered a supplement in our lives instead Jesus is the very source of our lives.

2) Abiding in Jesus is evident in the fruit that we bear in life. The fruit that we bear is essentially the character of who we are in Jesus.

3) As we remain in Jesus’ love, we are commanded to love one another.

Final Word
Remain in Jesus for to be connected to Him is indispensable.

Reflection Question
1) Were there moments in your life that you struggled to place your entire dependence and trust in Jesus?
2) Have you experienced the pruning of God in your life? Share the experience.
3) How can you be a friend to each other in church?


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