Sunday Morning Worship Service – 6th Aug 2023

Speaker: Rev Joshua Khong
Sermon Title: A Christ-Centred Church, A Connected Community
Scripture Text: 1 Corinthians 3: 5 – 9

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Celebrating Church Anniversaries – a new outlook and perspective.

WMC Klang’s 122 years of faithful, obedient, courageous journey.

1. A Christ-Centred Church
    Not who we are!
    It’s what we are in Christ.

2. A Connected Community
    We are God’s co-workers, God’s field and God’s building.
    The connected community seizing and creating opportunities together.

3. The 3Es of our current time and Kingdom work at hand.
    a) Emerge – recognising the shackles of pandemic lockdown and breaking free

    b) Enlist – we are God’s army, enlisting for Kingdom work

    c) Engage – we respond with courage and delight where God engages us

4. A Christ-Centred Church is solidly founded on the Word
    a) Lamp (Ps 119, Prv 6)
    b) Sword (Eph 6 & Heb 4)
    c) Bread/Food (Matt 4, Heb 5)
    d) Seed (Jesus’ parables, Acts 12)
    e) Mirror (James 1: 23-25)
    f) Fire (Jer 23: 29)
    g) Hammer (Jer 23:29)

5. The solid teaching of God’s Word. Remember this, brothers and sisters:
    “When God’s Word is authoritative over me, I shall be authoritative with
God’s Word.”

6. Relevant and Creative ways for the ministry of God’s Word in :
    a) small groups
    b) children
    c) youths

7. We are a Christ-Centred Church, we are the Body of Christ.
   EVERYONE joins in worship, love and serve AS ONE BODY.

8. We are a Christ-Centred Church that is vibrant in life and service.

9. We are a Christ-Centred Church for Generational Blessings

10. We are a Connected Community connecting and reaching out to others for Christ.


1. What do you hope to be celebrating for WMC Klang’s 125th Anniversary? List 5 areas of your celebration.

2. How to help, influence and inspire brothers and sisters in the 3Es as the Body of Christ here in WMC Klang for Kingdom work.

3. “When God’s Word is authoritative over me, I shall be authoritative with God’s Word.” How do I apply this in my life personally and corporately as Christ’s Body.

4. Discuss some of the ways we can pursue the ministry of the Word in our small groups, children ministry and youth ministry in relevant and creative ways.


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