Sunday Morning Worship Service – 7th Jan 2024

Speaker: Rev Gaurri Maniam
Sermon Title: Reconnect with God & with People
Scripture Text: John 13: 12-17 & 34-35

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Church Theme: Reconnect with God & People
Anchor Verse: John 13: 34 & 35


1. Jesus lived and did ministry out of the strong and intimate relationship He has with God.

2. Jesus who is confident of his authority was willing to stoop down and wash his disciples’ feet.

3. The church is to model the love of Christ to the people out there.

4. How would washing the feet of one another look like for us now?
a) Forgiveness
b) Bear with one another
c) Be united

Final Word
Pray and participate in the life of the church.

Reflection Question
1. How may you invest in your relationship with God?
2. Are you struggling to wash a fellow brother or sister’s feet? What is the issue? Pray and ask God for his grace
3. How can you participate in the life of the church?

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