The Faith Of The Centurion

The Centurion in the story doesn’t see in Jesus some nice guy who’s a good teacher with some magical powers. He sees a King with authority. But he recognizes something else. Not only does he know that Jesus has authority and power over all things, but he also recognizes that he doesn’t. He recognizes that he needs Jesus. He needs Jesus to be able to face the things in life that come his way. Because Jesus is the only one with authority over everything.

You see, it doesn’t matter how much authority or power we THINK we have, or how much we THINK we are in control of things. The reality is that Jesus is the only One with supreme authority over all things.

The Centurion doesn’t just say that he knows Jesus has the authority to heal. He also says, by coming to Jesus, “Jesus, I DON’T have control. I DON’T have authority. I can order my soldiers around, but I have no control over this sickness. But you do. I am NOT in control. I have NO authority. I have NO power. But YOU DO!

That’s REAL faith. Not just placing our confidence, our trust, our dependence, our belief in Jesus. But also NOT depending on ourselves.

What part of your life comes under Jesus’ authority? Is your marriage under his authority? Are your morals under his authority? Your finances, your work, your time, your future plans? Following Jesus isn’t about being from a Christian family. Following Jesus isn’t about going to church. Following Jesus isn’t about saying the right creeds, or giving money, or how much time you spend praying or reading the Bible. Following Jesus isn’t about being religious or spiritual or devout or pious. It’s not about knowing more or doing more.

It’s about REAL faith in Jesus. Not in ourselves. It’s about recognising Jesus’ authority over ALL of our life. You might be comfortably walking along in life at the moment, ticking all the right boxes, following the right path, doing  all the right things, nothing’s out of control, finances are good, relationships are OK. You’re getting by following the teachings of Jesus. Reading your Bible. Praying. Getting to Church. But are you putting things in your life under Jesus’ authority?

Are you just following? Or are you faithful? Is your life under his authority?   (REV BRUCE STANLEY)

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