To All Fathers…

. . . and a word of exhortation to all fathers (& also mothers) from John 15, where Jesus reminded us to abide in Him, and not focus on the fruit, but focus on abiding.

We need that word, especially those of us that are results oriented. I was talking with a buddy the other day about all the pressure we put on our kids to produce fruit in their lives. Get the A, get in that club or organization, be the best at your sport, get a scholarship, get into a better school…..We focus often on the fruit rather than what’s really important – their character before God, namely, abiding in Jesus. If our kids got that, they’d be the best they are supposed to be.

Jesus said the Gardener (God) will bring the fruit through the vine if the branch stay connected to the vine. God’s job is to prune us. Our job is to abide. So, let God prune some old branches from our lives – old ways of thinking, areas we don’t trust Him, unfruitful things we are doing, and focus on remembering Christ lives in you. Each day, as you start your day, remember Jesus wants you to abide in Him and leave the results to Him.

Ask your kids – “Are you abiding in Jesus”, rather than, “Are you getting that A?” “How is your relationship with Jesus going?” “What’s He saying to you?”

Students and parents, are you focusing on the results? That’s not our job. Abide. And as John says in 15:9, “Abide in My love.” In 15:10, “If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love.” Abide in His love and in His commandments for your life. Leave the results to Him. What is His love and His word speaking to you about? Abide in that.


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