10 Things To Learn From Jesus Feeding The 5000

  1. The needy never ask at a good time (Jesus was trying to be alone for a while).
  2. The needy always ask for more than you have.
  3. Jesus asks only that I use what have, and He’ll take care of the rest.
  4. Even after a long day, Jesus has time to help.
  5. Even when it would be reasonable, Jesus doesn’t send people away who want His help.
  6. Sharing Jesus’ love with someone can mean filling any kind of need, not just a spiritual one.
  7. Jesus uses people to help other people so that both are blessed. “You give them something to eat.”
  8. Jesus gave thanks before the meal. Even someone who has everything can be thankful.
  9. When I give what little I have away, it multiplies in return. With leftovers.
  10. Jesus does miracles that look rather ordinary. Then and today.

A small boy gave Jesus 5 small barley loaves and 2 small fish and Jesus fed 5,000 men; not including women and children and there were 12 baskets of left over pieces. Jesus is Mighty to Save and Strong to provide. No matter how meager your resources are, God will provide.

Here is the question:

Have you brought your meager broken pieces to Jesus Christ?

Have you brought your 5 loaves and 2 fish to Christ?

When we bring our meager resources to Jesus Christ – and it passes through the hands of Jesus Christ – it becomes enough – more than enough – an abundance of blessings!

When we bring our meager little selves to Jesus Christ, it is absolutely miraculous what miracles and wonders God can do through us!

What is holding you back from surrendering yourself and giving yourself and your gifts to God? (SOURCE UNKNOWN)

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