An Effective Servant (The Centurion’s Faith: Luke 7: 1-10)

The Lord is looking for servants like this centurion:

Who have an exalted view of Christ:
He is the sovereign Lord of authority, and thus they trust Him for the impossible. The Lord is looking for people like this centurion, “big godders,” who know that Jesus Christ is Lord and who know how to come to Him in simple faith and say, “You say the word, Lord, and this will be done.” An effective servant of Christ will thus have faith in His sovereign authority.

Who have a lowly view of themselves:
They are unworthy and insufficient, but they know Christ as gracious and all-sufficient. That’s what grace is all about. I do not deserve God’s blessing. I am not worthy for Him to use me or to answer my prayers. But I don’t come to Him based on my worthiness. I come asking for His undeserved favor. To be effective servants of Christ, we need a lowly view of ourselves: “I am an unworthy servant. But God uses unworthy servants who trust in His grace. And so God can use me to bring His salvation to others.”

Who have a caring view of others:
They are helpless, and thus need compassion. Christ’s authority and grace extend to those whom society may despise. God taught me that He chooses and uses people whom I would reject. God often saves the despised of the world and uses them as trophies of His grace.  Effective servants care about such people.

Hudson Taylor, the great pioneer missionary to China, used to say, “All God’s giants have been weak men who did great things for God because they reckoned on God being with them.” May that same powerful God do great things through us as we trust Him in our weakness!           (STEVEN J.COLE)

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