Faith Like A Child – Jesus Would Like That

Matthew 18 contains an often-quoted passage describing when  the  disciples asked  Jesus, “Who   is   the   greatest  in   the Kingdom   of    heaven?”    Jesus immediately  calls  a   child   over and   says in verses  3  and  4:  “I   tell   you  the   truth, unless you change and become like little children,   you   will  never  enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.”

By posing the question the disciples were exposing their spiritual pride. Jesus said to be humble like a child.

Humble. Modest. Unassuming in attitude and behavior. Place less value on own importance over someone else’s.

Kids make conclusions about God in concrete terms. Jesus would like that. Most kids tend to follow instructions to the best of their ability. Jesus would like that. Kids have an eagerness to learn. Jesus would like that. Kids watch and imitate adults. Think how Jesus would love it if we, as adults, would watch and imitate Him, without pretentiousness.

Kids formulate ideas through concrete experiences. Often as a grownup I get stuck in over thinking an issue rather than simply taking Jesus at His word and obeying what He has said to do. Go. Do. Serve. Be. Believe. Love. Perhaps as I, as we in our church, follow Jesus, our experiences with Him will engage our minds in new levels of trust and understanding.

No matter now old we are, may we let our lives speak the truth that Jesus is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. May we be humble like a child. Because Jesus would like that.                                                         


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