From The Pastor’s Desk

Recovery MCO (RMCO) – that’s a new term that I learned from the Prime Minister last week. While it is obvious that the restrictions are being lifted since MCO began, with almost no roadblocks now, and an increased volume of traffic on the roads, nonetheless, things are not the same as prior to mid-March 2020.

On the positive side, many people are still wearing masks and are practicing social distancing when they go to public places. On the downside, places of worship cannot operate as centres of activities. Our church building used to be bustling with children and youths during the weekdays, as the El-Shaddai Refugee Learning Centre (ERLC) used our premises as classrooms, and similarly, our church premises were full of human life on the weekends, especially on Sunday mornings.

None of our TRAC churches have gotten official approval to use the church for worship services on Sunday yet. Even if the approval is given, there will be protocol to follow, and even age restrictions imposed. It looks like online worship services will be a reality with us for some time, which may be God’s way to show us new things.

Let us always stand amazed by God’s power and love. Let us continue to worship God as families and individuals. No one can take away our worship of God – ever. AMEN

Pastor Ashok

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