Recorded Live Streaming Worship Service – 16th Aug

Title: The Parable Of The Shrewd Manager
Scripture: Luke 16: 1 – 15
Preacher: Rev Jerry Eng

Sermon Notes:

1.0 What is a Parable?

(1) Dr. R.T. Kendall explains that a parable is
(a) “A simple story that illustrates a profound truth.”
(b) It is “building a bridge from the natural to the spiritual.”
(c) And, “it is to test our earnestness in seeking the things of God…”

(2) He also gives us clues to understand parables…
(a) Not all parables point to the same truth.
(b) Often a parable will have only one basic truth in mind, and
(c) “Not every detail of a parable has to have a meaning.”

2.1 The Manager Was To Be Dismissed, vv1-9.
(1) The Manager Is Charged ; vv1-2.
(2) The Manager’s Lamenting, vv3-4.
(3) The Manager’s Scheming, vv5-7.
(4) Surprise, Surprise! vv8-9.

3.0 Jesus Clarified Godly Stewardship, vv10-13
(1) Jesus then began to teach with the following truths, vv10-13.
(a) V10.
(b) V12.
(c) V13.

3.1 The Listening Pharisees Were Unsettled by Jesus, vv14-15
(1) Jesus did not hold back.
(a) Luke 16:14
(b) Luke 16:15.
(c) “What people value highly is detestable in God’s sight!”

3.1 The Listening Pharisees Were Unsettled by Jesus, vv14-15
(2) Luke 15 Provides three Parables.
(a) The Parable of the Lost Sheep, vv3-7.
(b) The Parable of the Lost Coin, vv8-10.
(c) The Parable of the Lost Son, vv11-31.

Note: In all three there were great celebrations but seemingly not so for the Pharisees!

3.2 Watch Out In The Applications
“The characters of the steward and the man whose possessions he managed are both unsavoury and questionable. Jesus is not exhorting us to follow the behaviour of any of them but is trying to expound on “a larger principle.”

And, what then is the larger principle?
Again, let me read vv10-13.
E.g. Christians collected food and money to help…

4.0 Summary And Conclusion
(a) Jesus reminds us in Matt. 6:19-21. Read.
(b) Jesus is encouraging His followers to be generous with their wealth in this life so that in the life to come their new friends will received them “into eternal dwellings.”

Eg. 1. A Couple And Invitation To Lunch.

Eg. 2. The Current Pandemic where Christians have gathered food, clothing and money to help those who have been affected. Some have asked about Christ and the Gospel!

Dr. Kendall reminds us that one of the purposes of the Parables “is to test our earnestness in seeking the things of God.”

Our Lord Jesus says to you and me lovingly and clearly to invest in the “Heavenly Bank”. The returns are beyond our imagination! We will not be disappointed. And where your money is there your heart will be also!

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