Recorded Live Streaming Worship Service – 30th Aug 2020

Title: Disciples Must Be United Following The Humility Of Christ
Scripture Verse: Philippians 2: 1 – 11
Preacher: Rev Ashok Amarasingham

Sermon Notes:

1.1 The Need to Return to Church to Worship God (Plan A’)

1.2 Focus for Today
As Christ made himself nothing and took on servanthood, so too must we, His Church. Emptying our pride and embracing humility will produce solid unity in the church.

2) Unity in the Church is not a Given Because of Satan.

2.1 Satan is defeated but is still alive. He is out to thwart the Mission of Christ through the Church.

2.2 Paul connects Philippians 2: 1 (using “therefore”) to the end of Philippians 1 (v27-30) to draw from being “in Christ”.

2.3 Paul goes on to state what needed to be avoided ie “rivalry” and “conceit”. (Phil 2:3)

2.4 Only humility- meaning counting others better than yourself and being just so interested to meet others’ needs (as you meet your own need)- will defeat Satan’s ploy to destroy the church.

2.5 Practical Application

2.5.1 Have we kept the back door of our hearts open to Satan’s whispers- taking some self-glory (vainglory) in our service unto God?

2.5.2 Have we fully surrendered unto God decisions made in church that are based on collective wisdom of others (but against my viewpoint)?

3) We Must Follow the Perfect Example of Christ in Humility

3.1 Many scholars believe that Paul borrowed “Carmen Christi” (Hymn of Christ) in Philippians 2: 6-11 from early church liturgy.

3.2 Having the “mind of Christ” (attitude of Christ) is literally “to think as Christ thought”. (Phil 2:5)

3.3 The humility of Christ saw him willingly descend to become a human, and then even further to humiliation on the cross (Phil 2: 7-8).

3.4 Practical Application
3.4.1 UC, Berkeley Parents Network: Toddlers’ Rules of Possession…(selected ones)
1) If I like it, it is mine.
2) If I hold it, it is mine.
3) If I can take it from you, it is mine.
5) If it is mine, it must NEVER appear to be yours in anyway.
8) If I saw it first, it is mine.
10) However, if it broken, it is yours! (cf 1 Corinthians 13: 11)

3.4.2 As Christians do we latently exhibit the above rules, ever so subtlety?

3.4.3 Christ “emptied” His exalted deity to become a human, whereas we “empty our pride” to embrace servanthood.

How do you constantly think…
* how others can complement my deficiencies (in church) and I bless them for this?

* how can I surrender my judgmental and prideful self-glory thoughts to love others (despite their ugliness)?

4) Conclusion/Summary


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