Matthew 28:18 – “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.”

Jesus is Lord of all. He demonstrated His authority over heaven and earth throughout His life and ministry. He had authority over nature to calm the storm and still the sea. His authority over the forces of evil can be seen in His casting out of demons and standing against the forces of Rome and the religious hierarchy. Jesus taught as one with authority, and His authority was validated by His resurrection.

Creation doesn’t seem to have a problem with Jesus’ authority. As far as we can determine galaxies, black holes and nebula are totally compliant with divine authority. Rocks and trees don’t seem very rebellious, either. It is only humankind–us–who struggle to submit ourselves under Jesus’ authority.

As disciples of Jesus Christ, we identify ourselves as children of God–under the authority of our divine Parent. We say that we are servants of God–submissive to the will of our Master. As disciples our lives are an acknowledgement of Jesus’ authority over us as it is over all of creation. Accepting God’s authority over us is transforming for us and for the world around us.

Matthew 28:19 – “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”

We are now challenged to live out this commission in the face of great diversity.

This is not the first time in history that Christians have sought to be witnesses in societies with great diversity. In those situations it was soon discovered that arguments and theological debates did little to spread God’s kingdom. What really made a difference was lives that shared God’s love and grace with others. As the song goes, “They will know we are Christians by our love.”

Matthew 28:20 – “… And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

We all face the future and new situations with a little fear and trembling. Certainly, Jesus’ disciples felt that way as they heard Jesus commission them to carry on with His ministry. “All nations” was a lot bigger than the Galilee and Jerusalem with which they were acquainted.

Jesus’ promise, however, encouraged them and later sustained them. Jesus assured them that He would be with them. Jesus would guide them and protect them. Jesus would be their constant companion; they would never be alone. Later they realized that absolutely nothing could ever separate them from Jesus. Such knowledge gave them the ability to shine brightly for Jesus and to change the world, just as it does for us today.



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