Walk On The Wet Side

“So Peter went over the side of the boat and walked on the water toward Jesus. But when he saw the strong wind and the waves, he was terrified and began to sink. ‘Save me, Lord!’ he shouted.”
Matthew 14:29-30

So typically when we hear someone teach on this passage the focus is on Peter’s failure to keep his eyes on Jesus. He let his impulsive arrogance deceive him into thinking he could do what Jesus was doing. Then his faith faltered and he was literally all wet. There’s a good bit we can learn by looking at it from that angle but there are a few other good insights we miss if we stop there.

First of all, don’t be afraid to ask God for the ridiculous. The other disciples were cowering in fear but when Peter realized that it was Jesus they were seeing on the water he said, “If it’s You, have me come out of the boat to You.” What a bold request! Most of us would’ve never thought to ask Jesus for something that ridiculous but Peter did.

Second, when God gives you a green light, go! When Jesus said, “Come,” how many of us would have stayed in the boat? How many of us would have said, “Are you sure?” Some of us might have gone to the edge and toe tested the water but not Peter. He was over the side of the boat and 100 percent all in. We should all be so obedient!

Third, remember that failure is part of learning to walk by faith. Refuse to allow the fear of failure to confine you to a comfortable, controlled and colorless life. You’ll never experience the great adventure God created you for if you don’t trust Him enough to take some God-led risks along the way.

So ask big, ridiculous things of God. He’s a big God! When God gives you the word, go! Don’t wait, negotiate or hesitate. If Jesus is calling you to the water, He’ll be your rescue if you start to sink. “Only God” stories are lived out only by those who ask big, risk all and step out. You are loved! (CROSSROADS CHURCH)

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